The much-anticipated Bhojpuri film “Saas Bahu Ki Mahabharat”, produced under the banner of World Wide Production, has commenced shooting with a formal inauguration. This film is produced by Pradeep Singh, a celebrated filmmaker known for his remarkable contributions to Bhojpuri cinema, including a series of successful films in 2024. Ajay Kumar Jha, a prominent director recognized for his masterful storytelling, is helming the project.
The film features Vikrant Singh Rajput, Jai Yadav, and Sanchita Banerjee in lead roles, while Shalu Singh also plays a significant character. The ensemble cast includes J Neelam, Sanjay Pandey, and Kanchan Mishra, among others. The public relations for the film are handled by Ranjan Sinha.
“Saas Bahu Ki Mahabharat” delves into the timeless drama and intricate relationships within families, particularly focusing on the emotional and social dynamics between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law. The narrative promises to explore these themes in an engaging and entertaining manner, appealing to audiences across generations.
Speaking about the project, Pradeep Singh expressed confidence in its universal appeal. “This film will resonate with audiences from all walks of life. It not only entertains but also delivers a meaningful social message,” he said. Singh emphasized the team’s commitment to presenting familial relationships with a fresh perspective, adding, “We aim to redefine how emotional highs and lows are portrayed in Bhojpuri cinema, making this project a standout in the industry.”
Director Ajay Kumar Jha praised the originality of the story, calling it “new and intriguing” and assuring it will captivate viewers. Lead actors Vikrant Singh Rajput and Sanchita Banerjee also shared their enthusiasm. Vikrant remarked, “This film is a unique experience, and I am confident the audience will love it.” Sanchita described it as a milestone in her career.
“Saas Bahu Ki Mahabharat” aims to explore new dimensions of relationships and elevate the standards of Bhojpuri cinema. The film is slated for release in 2025, and the team is dedicated to creating a compelling and socially relevant cinematic experience.